Blake and Julie Hurst

2024 Missouri Ag Hall of Fame Inductee

Blake and Julie Hurst started farming in 1977 on a rented farm near Tarkio. Since then, they’ve produced three children and six grandchildren, added a greenhouse business, and grown 44 crops of corn and soybeans. The Hursts have both been active in farm policy. Julie was chairman of the state Farm Service Agency committee, and Blake served for 10 years as president of the Missouri Farm Bureau. While at Farm Bureau, Blake helped the organization successfully lobby for farmers across the state and grow in financial strength. Blake also served for 10 years on the American Farm Bureau board. Julie accompanied him during those years, supporting the Farm Bureau at hundreds of meetings and events. Blake has also written articles on farm policy for numerous national publications and continues to write today, as his muse and time allow. The Hursts are still farming, growing flowers, watching their grandchildren participate in sports, and traveling together.