Trail's End Landmark
Dedicated in April of 2015, the Trail's End Plaza is located at the North East corner of the fairgrounds. Trails End is a celebration of Sedalia's historic and colorful past as the railhead destination for the great Texas cattle drives of the 1860s.
Many cowhands, trusty steeds, and cattle left their tracks on the Sedalia Trail. Those tracks have since been blown away by the wind and washed away by the rain. You have an opportunity to permanently leave your track on the Trails End landmark by purchasing a personalized brick to be embedded around the walk of the Trails End landmark.
Where Rails and Cattle Trails Meet
Learn more about the timeline and history of the intersection of cattle trails with the railroad.

History of Pacific Railroad Through Missouri
The discovery of gold in California likely inspired the idea to construct a railway from St. Louis Missouri stretching to the West.

Sedalia & Trail's End
Learn how Sedalia became the end of the trail destination for drovers herding their cattle north out of Texas.

Rawhide Arrives in Sedalia
Learn about Sedalia's connection to the 1960s tv program "Rawhide."

About the Artist
Artist J. Michael Wilson was commissioned to sculpt the magnificent bronze statues that grace the front of the Trails End Plaza.