Our lasting legacy is in how we prepare for the next generation.
First-time Youth Livestock Exhibitor Grants
Our members recognize the important life lessons learned by exhibiting livestock. They also understand exhibiting livestock at the Missouri State Fair can be costly. We offer grants to offset the cost of showing at the state fair with the hope that more young people will be able to benefit from this invaluable learning experience.

No Limits P.I.G. Show
The No Limits P.I.G. Show provides youth with cognitive and/or physical challenges the opportunity to enter the show ring at the Missouri State Fair.

Read to Win
The Missouri State Fair Foundation is on a mission to educate youth about agriculture. We are excited to partner with the International Association of Fairs & Exhibitions (IAFE) to provide the "Read to Win" program.

Young Ambassador
The Missouri State Fair Foundation is pleased to offer a unique scholarship opportunity to a student in the Agriculture Department at State Fair Community College.

Youth in Agriculture
Since 1992, the Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture Committee has been awarding scholarships to Missouri youth. Visit the Missouri State Fair website to learn more about this program.

"Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world."
- Nelson Mandela